Search Results
Lifetime of severe spinal pain & painful foot tendonitis healed after prayer - John Mellor Miracles
Bulging spinal disc pain miraculously leaves after prayer - John Mellor Christian Healing
Chronic painful spinal injury & torn shoulder tendon healed - John Mellor Healing Evangelist
Painful spinal pain from car accident healing - John Mellor Miracle Prayer
Painful ruptured foot & shoulder tendon healed by Jesus - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Painful tendonitis healed as she sat in seat - John Mellor Australian Healing Ministry
Painful tendonitis healed instantly - John Mellor Healing Evangelist
Severe pain from webbed feet healed - John Mellor Australian Evangelist
John Mellor Edinburgh Healing Seminar with demonstration prayer for painful torn hand tendons
Painful fibromyalgia & autoimmune disease miraculously healed after prayer - John Mellor Miracles
Pain leaves feet after prayer - John Mellor Ministries
Painful torn leg tendon injury miracle healing - John Mellor Healing Evangelist